Additional Guidance from Human Resources
Dear Colleagues,
We hope you are healthy and taking care of yourselves during these disruptive times as our LMU community faces unprecedented challenges in a stressful environment. In response to new regulatory requirements, Human Resources is developing strategies to meet the immediate, short- and long-term operational needs of the university. Please note the following additional guidance for faculty and staff:
- COVID Leave: Through May 30, exempt staff who are not assigned to work on campus or remotely, either full time or part time, should record COVID Leave in MyTime in full-day increments for all days not worked. Exempt staff are paid a salary regardless of hours worked; however, the university wants to capture the impact of the COVID-19 crisis.
- Staff/Family Member Health Status Change: If a staff member (exempt or non-exempt) or an immediate family member becomes ill, the staff member should suspend remote (or on campus) work. All standard Sick Pay policies apply – sick pay for time taken should be recorded in MyTime, and if necessary contact Human Resources Benefits to discuss leave options.
- Hiring Pause: All staff position postings, promotions, and salary increases must be reviewed by the vice president for Human Resources and receive the president’s approval. A consultation with the requestor will follow to determine the outcome.
- Research Grants, Contract or Extramurally Funded Positions: There is no impact in process and policy as related to research grant, contract, or extramurally funded positions. Consistent with current protocol, all staff actions require appropriate review and approval prior to any change.
- Interim Pay: Requests for interim pay must be reviewed by the vice president for Human Resources and receive final approval by an executive vice president or the president. A consultation with the requestor will follow to determine the outcome.
- Term Positions: Extension of term positions is at the discretion of management and the process remains unchanged.
- Manager Guidance: As we adjust to the changes associated with remote work, we offer the following information for managers:
- If you are contemplating any organizational changes, managers should contact Human Resources for guidance and partnership.
- Non-exempt hours should be predetermined, including breaks and the meal period, and the schedule must be followed and respected.
- Exempt staff schedules should be respected as well, with rare contact during “off–hours” (evenings and weekends).
- We recommend that email, text, and phone calls be limited to regularly scheduled hours, and if “off-hours” engagement is required, the non-exempt staff members should record the time as “worked.”
- Communicate to ensure the remote work arrangement is well-functioning for both parties and be open to adjustments. Many staff have children at home and may need greater flexibility.
Stay safe and healthy!
– LMU Human Resources