LMUxRams Announcement Day

Rams President Kevin Demoff and LMU President Tim Snyder swap jerseys

LMU and the Rams Kickoff Historic Partnership with a Celebration

On Wednesday, Sept. 6, at Wellness Wednesday, LMU and the Los Angeles Rams announced a historic partnership, making the university the first-ever exclusive higher education partner of the Rams. The kickoff celebration included jersey swaps, appearances by Rams executives, Rams mascot Rampage, Iggy the Lion, photo ops, and more. Watch the video highlights below!

Video Highlights

Iggy the Lion parades down alumni mall with the Rams cheerleaders and mascot

Rams cheerleaders parade on campus

Rams cheerleaders pose with the Lombardi trophies

Drum corp performing at Rams partnership announcement event

LMU cheerleaders on stage with Iggy the Lion and Rams mascot Rampage

Students pose with Rams standees