Congratulations, Class of 2020

Today is the beginning of weeklong festivities that celebrate you, the Class of 2020. Please note that as we honor this joyous milestone, our virtual celebrations do not replace in-person Commencement Exercises, which will be scheduled in-person when it is safe to do so. You deserve much more than we can provide online, so we will cheer you on much more when we gather together on the bluff. For now, please join us in applauding the extraordinary Class of 2020.
Instructions – Start Here!
Scroll below for special messages, videos, shout-outs and music from your Lion family. And while you're at it, share your own messages of support and celebration via social media. #LMU20
Join us at 1 p.m. for a live prayer service via Zoom.
Join Prayer Service I 1 p.m. I PDTA Message from President Snyder
Your New Journey Begins
"You chose wisely to start your educational journey at LMU believing in the promise we made to you. Today, we reflect on that promise, commemorate its fulfillment, rejoice in the realization that this is yet another new beginning in your lifelong relationship with LMU."
- President Timothy Law Snyder, Ph.D.
Presenting the Class of 2020
Explore individual members of the Class of 2020 by searching and selecting below. Or watch a slideshow of the entire class.
Shout-Outs to the Graduates
Your Lion family wishes you well!
Faculty, staff, alumni and fellow students are cheering you on, Class of 2020—and they want you to know it. Enjoy these words of wisdom, support and congratulations from the whole Lion pride.
Share Your Message
Leave your message for the class on the Shout-Out Wall. Grads, families, faculty, staff and friends can all participate.
Share your day with your fellow Lions

How are you celebrating #LMU20 today?
Your celebrations this weekend are no substitute for our future in-person commencement--but today is your day to honor your accomplishments. How are you celebrating? Zoom parties? Spending time with your proud family? LMU cupcakes? Whatever you're doing, share your photos and memories using #LMU20 to bring us a little closer. See what our community is up to today on our social feed below.
Show your love for #LMU20
Share your Class of 2020 memories and shout-outs using #LMU20 to post a shout-out directly to the wall!