Protect the Pride


Dear LMU Faculty Colleagues:  
With the start of the fall semester bringing great joy and excitement to our community, I am indebted to each and every one of you for your continued efforts to keep our campuses safe and ensure our students’ academic success. Earlier this week, I met with the Faculty Senate and its Executive Committee and heard their concerns regarding the lack of, or incorrect use of, masks by some students, faculty, and staff in our classrooms and other buildings, including the William H. Hannon Library. 
In his latest Presidential Video Briefing, President Snyder again reminded our community that we are expected to wear masks indoors and underscored consequences for those who do not comply with this university protocol and public health guidance. 
We take this issue seriously and remain vigilant about protecting our community’s health to continue offering in-person instruction and co-curricular activities. It is our collective responsibility to protect the pride and ensure the safety of all. Please refer to compliance protocols in our Need-to-Know A-Z Index for specific information on steps you should take regarding those who are not in compliance with COVID safety policy. 
I know that LMU has asked much of you during these difficult times, and the university continues to need your help. Fortunately, I have found that noncompliance with our masking policy is usually unintentional, and a gentle reminder is often well-received. We must create a culture of responsibility together for each other’s safety. If we do this, I am confident that we will continue to remain #LMUTogether. 
With deep appreciation,  
Thomas Poon, Ph.D.  
Executive Vice President and Provost  
Professor of Chemistry